
My name is Heather, and I am a gigantic nerd. When I was in school, my favorite thing was to write research papers, because it gave me a chance to learn new things, look at subjects in-depth, and think about them critically. Often, I’d find differing perspectives, even on things that were widely accepted as truth. So I wrote about those things too. I used to ask friends every once in a while for personal assignments on things that they wanted to know more about, and these were the most interesting of all, because it was research for the sake of learning, not for a grade. I lamented that I couldn’t do research and writing as a career. Little did I know about the field of writing copy.

What do I like to research and write about, you ask? I focus almost exclusively on wellness topics. Anything even vaguely touching the field of natural health I’m happy to dig my teeth into, because that’s where my passion is. My very first online purchase was a bottle of soil-based probiotics, when I was just barely old enough to buy things online. Why did I land on this? Because I knew my digestion was all kinds of screwy, and I thought it would help with my little weight issue. I was a fat kid, and was a fat adult, for a very long time. I graduated high school at 206, and my highest weight was 230 a few years later. I’m 5’7” and a girl, so you can imagine I wasn’t too happy about this perpetual state of fatness.

So I did some research for myself. And then more…and more…and it’s never really stopped, because the way the body works is fascinating! I’m always down to dig into the actual biochemical processes when we alter diet, supplements, activity, environment, mindset, and all the other factors that can impact our health. I’ve tried just about every food plan out there, and I stick to a veggie-heavy gluten free dairy free plan the majority to the time. I always stay away from gluten, thanks to 7 ER trips where they found nothing wrong even though I felt like I was dying, and the results of my own elimination diet. Oh, and I’m down to the 160’s now.  It would be nice to drop a few more, but I’m thrilled with my strength and flexibility, so I’m not pushing too hard on that.

I keep a bunch of superfoods on hand because I love them and how they make me feel. MCT oil, chlorella and spirulina, certain mushroom extracts, cinnamon, turmeric, high vitamin butter oil with fermented cod oil, and a gloriously jam packed liquid multivitamin are a few of my favorites.

I get to run most mornings, a set of sprints as opposed to the steady marathoner pace many other people choose. I often wonder if the people in the cars that see me walking think I’m slacking. When I get back in, it’s time for weights and yoga. Sometimes lunch is bacon, sometimes it’s a protein shake, sometimes it’s orange beet carrot juice that I make myself. Somewhere in there I make time to meditate, and on the best days I get to create some art. My nerdliness is showing: I do medieval Japanese reenacting, and I make all my own clothing, often dying the fabric by hand using traditional methods. It’s not unusual for my hands to be multiple colors. I have a current tapestry that is based on sacred geometry, and I’m furthering my studies on this to gain more inspiration to finish it.

After that, I get to sit down on my ball chair overlooking the trees across the street, convince the cats that the keyboard is not the place they want to hang out, and get to the writing. Shall I be writing your next article or blog post? Is it your series of emails that I’m working on? Or is it that guide you needed to help your clients reach their goals?

I’ve written a great deal on water, meditation, and nutrition. Weight loss is popular, as is massage, and particular ways of eating. Quite a few requests have been made on specific herbs and supplements, which are always a great time to look into. I have a background as a health coach, but I found that I enjoyed the creation of content far more than getting on the phone with clients. I’m an introvert, you see, so working at my laptop with a little Vivaldi in the background comes much more naturally to me.

I’m certified through Precision Nutrition’s Level 1 program, and am currently pursuing Level 2. I’m working for additional certifications from NASM, MovNat, and Bulletproof. I’m heavily influenced by the Paleo/Primal movement, and I’m of the opinion that nature and our own biology offer the keys to improved health and longevity. I also believe that we are not just squishy bodies, but that there is an energy that moves us, that is all around us, and that we interact with whether or not we know it.

An introvert I may be, but I’m happy to talk with you about your projects and how I can create content that fits your needs and budget precisely. I can match my tone to yours if you have an established site, or work within constraints for new endeavors. My personal use of language has been lauded as clear and concise, and I excel at explaining complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. In my work, I tend to use humor, sarcasm, and analogies quite a bit. For examples of this, you can see my personal blog, at thephoenixlab.net.

For more information, fill out the form in the Contact Me page, and we can make some magic happen.

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